It is often times the question, are we a nation of one people? We are here in this nation for one purpose with our different backgrounds. We are here to live together as one group under one flag and for freedom from the government controlling us.

Unknown groups have purchased the media of our nation through the purchase it’s stock. To destroy our country, you should own the major media. Buy the major television networks, buy the newspaper with widespread circulation, and possess the Internet social media websites. With ownership, you can lie, tell half-truths, eliminate topics, and produce your own selective information through your viewpoint. Make it all look like news.

To further the destruction of this nation, take control of the education throughout the country. Unionize the education groups to reach into every state and insert teaching your doctrine. Change history and make some history evil and despicable so the children will learn to despise the freedom of their native country. Keep the children ignorant about national pride and why this nation was set up from inception to benefit people and not the government.

To ensure that the nation will no longer believe the individual is the focal point of this nation, pour out money collected by the government from all its citizens and give the collected money to special groups to teach them the government is their provider. It will ensure that self-reliance and the family will be dissolved into government agencies handing money out to cling to government for security.

Need a Speaker for Your Upcoming Event?

Please contact me if you need a speaker for Your event.

I can speak on various topics for you. I can talk about parenting and how to raise normal children. I speak on money and how it affects us in our daily life. I can speak on government how it can be detrimental to us. I can speak on the Bible.

Life is not fun.  Life is difficult.

It may look like it is all fun.

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